Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quick Hit

Oddest moment of the day: Standing on the second floor balcony, being applauded by a thousand students sitting in the courtyard in neat rows and perfect uniforms, welcoming me to the school. Felt a little like being a rock start, a little like being a dictator.

Cutest moment of the day: "Ooooh Miss you are from Canada? Nagria Falls, yes?"

Most surreal moment of the day: Inspection of the students' haircuts at morning assembly to ensure they comply to regulations (ie all pinned up for girls, and not too long for boys - including specific hair to ear ratios...)

Sweatiest moment of the day: All of it.


  1. What are these ear-hair ratios, pray-tell? That sounds extremely interesting. Did you feel a little bit like Evita, being applauded from a court yard, in addition to the juxtaposed feelings of dictator and rockstar?

  2. "Felt a little like being a rock star, a little like being a dictator"... oh Miriam, that's how the hunger for power always begins. You might be a teacher now, but by the end of the year your blog will look more like a "Last King of Scotland" novel ;-)
    Sounds so amazing over there! Thank you for keeping us updated!

  3. i love your blog. it makes me chuckle.
