Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Earthquake Tremors

Chatting in the living room this evening with my roommate Katie, we were interrupted by a slight shaking of the furniture. Nick came out of his room, and the three of us looked around in confusion. We looked outside, only to see all of the neighbours doing the same - that's when we decided to get out of our 12th floor apartment (Yes, we took the elevator down. Then realised that was probably not very wise). By the time we got outside, it had stopped. Yet, when we texted/called our friends, they all thought we were crazy....
It turns out that what we felt were tremors from the major earthquake that hit Indonesia. Oddly, the tremors were only felt in certain parts of Singapore, which explains the discrepancy between us and our friends.
Anyway, to those who emailed, thanks, and not to worry - I am fine! Just a little apartment shake to add excitement to your day!

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