Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mortal Fear Faced

Came home tonight to find a cockroach scurrying across the floor when I turned on the lights. Not just a cockroach. A giant, supersized, extra strength, totally freaky one with disproportionately enormous antennae. Now some of you may not know this, but I have a deep-seated, long held fear of these horrible creatures. Needless to say, a lot of screaming and running and jumping onto furniture ensued... Luckily brave Nick came home minutes later and killed it. Have covered all drains with random heavy objects, and put a towel up against the bottom of my door. Will try not to have nightmares tonight.

On the agenda for tomorrow: buy poison, traps, drain covers, and containers for all cereal and food.
Am seriously doubting my decision to move here.


  1. Wait until the lizzards start scurrying across the floor...They're faster than the cockroaches! :)

  2. Perhaps a heavy shoe could be added to your shopping list... you know, to smash any other unwelcome guests :D

    Don't worry darling, you'll get to used to those buggers with time... Either that, or much more proficient at eliminating them!

  3. Haha, picturing all drains, cracks, and open spaces plugged with every movable item imaginable! I can't blame you: cockroaches are FREA-KY! Can't believe one is trying to move in with you. Gross. Anyway, I'm pretty sure cockroaches exist in Canada too, so maybe don't write-off Singapore just yet... Good luck out there :-)
